So, what can you do to increase your chances of getting some quality shut-eye during a flight?
1. Get geared up
Pack comfortable clothes to change into, a sleeping mask, a neck pillow, and earplugs so that you are armed and ready to win the battle to get some sleep. It’s also a good idea to take some lavender essential oil so that you can put a couple of drops on your t-shirt to help you drift off.
2. Avoid stress
If you’ve ever had a super busy and stressful day at work and then tried to go straight to sleep, you will know that it is not possible! At least two days before you fly, make sure that your bag is packed and all of the important documents and equipment you need is ready. Get to the airport with plenty of time to spare and try to remain as relaxed as possible.
3. Bag the window seat
Window seats are a fast track to getting sleep on planes. Not only do they give you something to lean against but sitting in them also means that you won’t have to wake up to let fellow passengers out. You also get control over the blind, which you should shut to avoid any light from disturbing you.
4. Eat for sleep
Believe it or not, what you eat impacts on your sleep. Foods rich in sleep-inducing tryptophan, such as bananas, walnuts, cheese and almonds are perfect for getting the body into a sleepy state. Avoid sugar, caffeine, and spicy foods as they are stimulating and will wake the body up.
5. Read
It might be tempting to watch a movie or play on your phone, but the blue light from the screens can keep you awake for longer. Instead, read a book, listen to some relaxing music and you will find yourself drifting off in no time.
Happy flying!
If you would like to find out more about how a REM-Fit Mattress, REM-Fit Sleep Monitoring technology or Zeeq Smart Pillows can help you to get a better night’s rest, please get in touch with our experienced, knowledgeable staff by calling 020 8731 0020 or email us via
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