While hitting the gym regularly might seem like the key to improving your fitness performance, there's another vital factor that often goes overlooked: sleep. Research has demonstrated that sufficient sleep is essential for the proper functioning of our cells, particularly when it comes to building and repairing muscle tissue.
When you deprive yourself of sleep, you risk losing valuable muscle mass and hinder the muscle recovery process. This not only increases the likelihood of sustaining injuries but can also lead to conditions associated with muscle atrophy. In cases where you're undergoing physical therapy or in rehab from an injury, your body requires even more sleep to facilitate healing.
During exercise, our muscles experience microscopic tears that necessitate repair for them to grow stronger. This repair process heavily relies on proper nutrition and deep, restorative sleep. During sleep, our bodies enter a heightened anabolic state, accelerating protein metabolism to produce molecules that repair and heal muscle damage sustained throughout the day. The secretion of the growth hormone melatonin increases significantly during sleep, which not only bolsters immune function but also aids in cell regeneration.
Additionally, while you rest, your metabolic rate slows down, creating an ideal environment for muscle repair and growth. This is accompanied by increased blood flow to the muscles and a rise in testosterone production, encouraging hypertrophy or the growth of muscle mass. During this period, the body synthesizes proteins to mend damaged muscle tissue. Conversely, inadequate sleep elevates cortisol levels, inhibiting protein synthesis and activating pathways that lead to muscle protein breakdown.
In short, achieving optimal fitness and building muscle mass heavily depends on getting enough quality sleep.
If you would like to find out how REM-Fit can help you to get a better night’s sleep, get in touch with our experienced and knowledgeable staff by calling 0800 014 9366 or email us via sales@rem-fit.co.uk
The Crucial Role of Sleep in Muscle Growth and Repair
While hitting the gym regularly might seem like the key to improving your fitness performance, there's another vital factor that often goes overlooked: sleep.