Utilising travel as a warm-up. Correct food and equipment preparation; the key to saving as much time pre-workout is by working smarter, not harder. Here are a few top tips with this in mind.
Travel Smarter
The average distance from our homes to our gyms is 3.7 miles. Once we are there we spend the first significant portion of our workout warming up with light cardio and stretching. Ask yourself; is your gym really too far away to combine the two? If not, then a quarter of your session could be completed before you walk through the door. You could also save money on petrol and reduce your carbon footprint to boot!
Use a single piece of kit for your gear. A rucksack or bag with plenty of pockets, compartments, and sections for dirty clothes, shakes, and bananas. Keep it as light, easy to clean & organise and as utilitarian as possible. That being said, functionality and style don’t have to be mutually exclusive!
Ditch the Vanity
We all know the type. Fellow gym members who spend longer in front of the bathroom mirror than in front of the ones on the gym walls. Forget about looking good, just get two sets of your trusty workout garb on a cleaning rotation so one is always ready to throw on and get going. If you have long hair try an up-do style that works as well down the gym as it does in the office.
Food Prep
Just a minute’s preparation one day can provide you with plenty of time the next. Prepare breakfast, lunch, pre-workout and post-workout meals in a condensed timeframe, as long before the items are needed as possible. Meals like chilli, pasta bake, and noodle dishes can be made in batches, stored for days and ready to reheat or just eat fresh at a moment’s notice. Use the fridge at work to store milk for fresh protein shakes.
Remember, smarter not harder is the key. Don’t expend effort away from the gym that you could use when you’re there.
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