So, how do you work out what your personality type is?
Owl or lark?
Before getting started on your fitness, you need to work out what time of the day you get the most out of your exercise. If you’re a 'rise and shine' type of person who likes to get their workouts over with first thing in the morning, don’t sign up for classes after work. Similarly, if you prefer to get your sweat on later on in the day, avoid forcing yourself into getting out of bed early to smash your goals.
Solo or team player?
Next, take a look at the way other people influence your workout. Do you prefer to be around others for the motivational aspect of exercise, or do you prefer to be self-motivated? Teaming up with others is a great way for some people to make the most of their fitness routine, sports such as volleyball and tennis provide a social aspect while also providing a motivational environment to workout in. Classes such as boxing and aerobics are also great for socialising. If you prefer to fly solo, swimming, running and yoga are perfect for getting some quiet time but can also be adapted if you fancy being more social – joining a running club or a yoga class, for example.
Know your mind
While no two personalities are the same, people generally fall into three broad categories:
- Type A
Tend to be competitive and prefers to be engaged in high levels of activity. Become easily annoyed if they feel others are wasting their time.
- Type B
Tend to be relaxed and slow paced, find it difficult to become angry and are described as easy going.
- Type C
Tends to internalise emotions and can easily become overwhelmed with hopelessness and discouragement.
This is a very oversimplified way of looking at an otherwise intricate and complex subject, but if you have a rough idea of which type of personality you have, it will be much easier to find an exercise to suit you. Type As will respond well to exercise that pushes them outside of their comfort zone and engages their competitive nature, such as marathons and triathlons. They would also do well to find exercises that release tension and stress such as yoga and swimming. Type Bs are more likely to get a kick out of an exercise that satisfies their search for meaning and playfulness, such as circus workshops, walking meditations and surfing classes. Finally, Type Cs should seek out fitness that boosts their self-esteem and rewards them with achievements such as martial arts or boxing.
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